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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Dual Boot Windows and Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

  Mohamed M Saad       Sunday, May 12, 2024

Setting up a dual-boot system with both Windows and Linux can vastly enhance your computing capabilities, giving you the best of both worlds. Whether you’re a developer, a student, or just a tech enthusiast, having access to both operating systems can provide a flexible and powerful platform for work and play. Here’s an easy-to-follow guide to get you started.

What You’ll Need

  1. A compatible PC with enough hard drive space to accommodate both operating systems.
  2. Windows OS already installed (we’ll be adding Linux alongside it).
  3. A Linux distribution: For beginners, Ubuntu or Linux Mint is highly recommended due to their ease of use.
  4. A USB drive with at least 4GB capacity to create a live Linux installation.

Step 1: Prepare for Installation

Before you start, it’s crucial to back up your important data. Dual boot installations can sometimes go wrong, and you don’t want to risk losing any files. Next, you need to create free space on your hard drive for Linux. Here’s how:

  • In Windows, go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Computer Management.
  • Click on Disk Management and then right-click on your primary hard drive (usually C:) and select Shrink Volume. Decide how much space you want to allocate to Linux and shrink the volume accordingly.

Step 2: Create a Bootable Linux USB

  • Download the ISO file for your chosen Linux distribution from its official website.
  • Use a tool like Rufus or BalenaEtcher to write the ISO file to your USB drive. This will make the USB drive bootable with Linux.

Step 3: Install Linux

  • Insert the bootable USB into your computer and reboot.
  • Press the key to open the boot menu (commonly F12, F10, or ESC, depending on your motherboard) and select your USB drive to boot from.
  • Once booted, you will see the option to try Linux or install it. Choose Install.
  • During the installation, when asked about the type of installation, select Something else to manually partition your drive for dual boot.
  • Allocate the freed-up space to Linux, defining a root partition (/) and swap area if needed.
  • Proceed with the installation. When it’s done, reboot your computer.

Step 4: Managing Your Dual Boot

  • After installation, your PC will use GRUB (GNU GRand Unified Bootloader) by default, which should recognize both Windows and Linux. When you boot up, you’ll see a menu to select the OS you want to use.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations, you now have a dual-boot system with Windows and Linux! Enjoy exploring Linux, with its powerful command line and plethora of free software.

Here’s what your GRUB boot menu might look like:

And here’s an example of partitioning during Linux installation:

This setup not only enhances your tech skills but also provides a safety net: if one OS fails, you can still use your computer with the other. Enjoy your new, versatile system!



Thanks for reading Dual Boot Windows and Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

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